JD Visit's Summary

  • Below is a list of member sites with a listing of clicks that their Directory links have received
Screenshot of http://www.fodlan.com
  • Fodlan Chronicles

    A roleplaying site based on the setting of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Made up of original characters, we follow an original storyline and are suitable for fans of the fantasy and JRPG genre.

  • Total Visits: 5,715
Screenshot of https://thedaytimedish.jcink.net
  • Daytime Dish

    General Hospital, The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, One Life to Live, All My Children, General Hospital, and more . . . let's discuss the current and classic soap operas!

  • Total Visits: 4,534
Screenshot of https://anthology3.jcink.net
  • Anthology

    Multi-Genre | 3-3-3 15+ Creature Types, 5+ Gifted Types, Most Fandoms Welcome! No App, No Word Count, No Character Cap! 3 Eras with nearly endless possibilities. Will you add your story to the anthology?

  • Total Visits: 3,409
Screenshot of https://rpgdirectory.jcink.net
  • RPG-Directory

    RPG-Directory is one of the largest advertising, resource and services board for role players by role players on the Internet. Visit us for discussion, resources and services for all who role play!

  • Total Visits: 2,417
Screenshot of https://katamariontheweb.jcink.net
  • Katamari on the Web

    Fans of the Katamari games, as well as series creator Keita Takahashi's other games, are welcome to come roll with us.

  • Total Visits: 2,158
Screenshot of https://fateot.jcink.net
  • Fate/Orbis Telos RP

    Fate/Orbis Telos is an AU 18+ Rated Roleplay Forum based on Type-Moon's Fate Series

  • Total Visits: 2,006
Screenshot of https://jcodesresources.com/
  • jCodes

    jCodes is the ultimate resource for your Jcink coding, skins, and HTML template needs.

  • Total Visits: 1,860
Screenshot of http://absinthe.jcink.net
  • Absinthe - Historical Victorian London

    On Absinthe, you can explore both sides of the social and political spectrum, or somewhere in between. We are a realistic Victorian-era RPG forum originally established in 2016. Historical Sandbox

  • Total Visits: 1,803
Screenshot of https://mugsoffriendship.jcink.net
  • Mugs of Friendship

    We are a small friendly general chat forum offering a few diverse categories, mostly of the positive and fun nature. Coffee's always on so if you feel like you might fit into some friendly banter then why not check us out/

  • Total Visits: 1,778
Screenshot of https://fizzyelf.jcink.net
  • FizzyElf's Portfolio

    Custom forum skins, conversion services, templates and utilities, tips and tricks.

  • Total Visits: 1,676