For centuries, there have existed humans with extraordinary powers. Tensions are rising, however, as underground operations seek to exploit powered individuals for their own gain...
18+ Welcome to the Valley! We are a semi-literate, sandbox wolf role-play set in a world without humans. Rolling hills, vast prairies, towering mountains, and endless forests comprise a landscape...
Hidden in the Abyss is an original Warrior Cats roleplay forum, loosely based on the books by Erin Hunter. This is considered a semi-literate community, with a minimum 100-word count and a site...
The Wandering Muse hosts multiple RPs all in one place. Fandoms, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, whatever gets your muse running, we probably have it and more in the works! Come join the fun!
You start off as a First Year Wizard attending Hogwarts, advancing in years every 6 months until you become an adult. Explore and fight to your heart's content. Discover monsters, set them on...
A supernatural creatures RP set on the idyllic east coast of Canada. The existence of supernaturals first came to light in the 1980s and reactions have been mixed. How will you help shape our world?
Fae & Fantasy based RP site, deeply inspired by A Court of Thorns & Roses (ACOTAR) by Sarah J Maas Premium Jcink, 18+, inclusive, friendly group active on site and on discord!
Welcome to Sigil, the City of Doors, where danger and opportunity await at every turn. Navigate shifting alliances, uncover secrets, and survive a world of intrigue and planar politics. Trust is...
Luke has fallen to the darksid3me and now rules the empire as Dark Lord and emperor. The rebel alliance has been quashed and in its place the resistance fights for a foothold against the empire.